Becoming a notary
A South Australian legal practitioner of at least five years’ standing, who holds a practising certificate, may apply to the Supreme Court of South Australia for admission as a notary public.
The applicant must be conversant with the following legislation and rules:
Uniform Civil Rules 2020, Chapter 20 Part 14
And the following texts:
Zablud, Principles of Notarial Practice, 2nd edition (The Notary Press 2016) (essential)
Ready, Brooke’s Notary, any recent edition (Sweet & Maxwell) (desirable).
The applicant must have successfully completed one of the following courses of study:
- The Foundations of Notarial Practice Course provided by the Society (inquiries about this course should be directed to the Society’s President);
- The Professional Course of Notarial Practice provided by the Sir Zelman Cowan Centre at Victoria University
- The Notarial Practice Accreditation Course provided by the College of Law Limited
This Protocol for Admission as a Notary Public may provide guidance for the procedural requirements of an application for admission. This Protocol is merely a guide and does not purport to cover all requirements exhaustively. The applicant should exercise individual judgment as to the content of his/her application.
The newly-admitted notary should apply to join the Society by downloading and submitting this membership application form.